This is Mac Dragon Boat.
Since 2001, we’ve been a team of dedicated, passionate students from diverse backgrounds, pushing through the mental and physical challenges of the sport together.
But Mac Dragon Boat is so much more than just a sports team. It’s a family.
No matter what level you’re at, there’s always a spot for you in our community - our practices are open to anyone who wants the chance to learn, grow, and experience this amazing sport.
So just do it - come out and surround yourself with people who will inspire and challenge you to reach new heights you never imagined possible. You’ll come out of it with some of the most supportive friends you’ve ever made. And who knows? You might surprise yourself.
Are you up for the challenge? Follow our social media, check out our FAQs on how to join our team, meet our executives, and stay up-to-date with all things MDBC through our announcements!